A Skill Discovery Tool

I want something that teaches me one useful skill per week, probably on a Sunday morning, via push notification.

It needs to be a quick learning skill, and something useful and fun. The app needs to learn from my interests, and cater the suggestions to my unique API.

Example Skills:

-Learn how to order a beer in the five most commonly spoken languages on earth.
-Learn how to pick a lock.
-One hour crash course in Ruby.
-The Easiest way to chop an onion.

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1 thought on “A Skill Discovery Tool”

  1. There are actually subs on reddit that help with this.

    Also, can create a database / app that stores a number of things from those subs and form settings based off of random skills, weekly challenges, monthly challenges etc.

    The subs are
    R/I want to learn

    There are more

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