Delivery options

Delivery options are limited in my neighborhood.  Can no longer use convenience services like post mates and try caviar 🙁

Using Failure to Leverage Creativity

Yesterday I was trying to mount a TV, and learned the hard way that the walls have metal studs. Heavy TV + full motion TV arm + metal studs = no bueno. Long story short, I failed, and to add insult to injury, my girlfriend used the H word (“let’s hire a handyman”).

This morning I woke up to a burst of creativity. Getting my butt kicked last night triggered phenomenal creative thought.

I think that embedded deep in that is a concept – failure doesn’t just teach you from your mistakes, but on an evolutionary level, failure triggers a creative burst.

Problem – if the above is true, how do we force a very real but low consequence failure, and then refocus the creative energy on solving more urgent problem in our lives?

Idea – when you can’t solve a problem, pick a video game that you can’t beat. Play it on the hardest mode, so you really feel the failure and frustration. End your day on that. Return to your problem the following day.

Sit Timer

People are saying that sitting is the new smoking. I need a sit Timer that automatically knows when I’m sitting and quantifies it.

Door Blockers

People that block doors on the train need to face capital punishment. Not really, but this is a problem that really plagues the MTA, and the innocent bystanders of that hateful crime.

Idea – create a set of door blocker cards and hand them out to people blocking doors. On the back have it link back to a train etiquette site. And a place for people to order their own door blocker cards.

Metal Wall Studs

Why do they exist? And why did I have no idea that they’re in this building? A 30 minute mounting project turned into a day-long escapade, dealing with seedy hardware store guys, missed studs, and possibly a dead mouse in the wall.

My Brain is an Unsearchable Inbox, Set to Expire

After death, my brain is worthless.

A perfect analogy is having company information in one person’s email inbox. What happens when that person leaves, and no one else has access to it?

Your brain is a secluded inbox of information. You can spend all of the time building that database, but until it’s searchable and lives outside of your body, it’s useless. Because when you die, the decades of hard work disappear with you.

Will we create a daddy.api, that the kids can just plug into for your advice, or a bad dad joke here and there?

Losing My Phone Around The House

And I don’t have a good way to find it. I tried the Misfit Bluetooth Button, but it was terribly inconsistent. Is it be because Bluetooth is inconsistent, or because that button was cheap? Is there another brand to try?

Losing my phone and looking for it in the apartment nets a huge time sink through the year.


We are not immortal, even though we waste time like we are. Only in the tragic moments, and in our last moments, do we realize how fleeting our lives are. There needs to be some potent reminder of our mortality, that doesn’t scare us or cause discomfort, but also serves the purpose of reminding us to make every single day count.

Activity playlist

I have so many things I want to learn and I don’t know where to begin. I wish I had a well curated playlist for learning and activities.

Delusional Thinking

I need more of my friends to think so big that it’s borderline delusional. The Mars mission guy did it – there is no one way mission to Mars, but he has built a little empire around the idea. He has made himself an absolute authority on Mars travel, without requiring a single credential.

I wish more of my friends would think at that scale. Sometimes I feel alone in those thoughts, and it triggers a lot of self doubt. Maybe I’m not delusional enough either.

A Skill Discovery Tool

I want something that teaches me one useful skill per week, probably on a Sunday morning, via push notification.

It needs to be a quick learning skill, and something useful and fun. The app needs to learn from my interests, and cater the suggestions to my unique API.

Example Skills:

-Learn how to order a beer in the five most commonly spoken languages on earth.
-Learn how to pick a lock.
-One hour crash course in Ruby.
-The Easiest way to chop an onion.