No automated calorie intake tracker
No third writing alternative to print or digital
If I’m publishing something I wrote, I have to choose between wasteful print, and getting lost in digital noise. There’s a desire and a need for a third way to communicate writing.
Stopping to appreciate what you have accomplished already
It’s okay to look back and see how far you have come. Drive and hunger are great, but give yourself some credit on occasion.
Getting too comfortable
Comfort is the enemy of progress. Nothing worse than a cushy job. Never get too comfortable in a role or relationship.
banning candy from your diet
…. I miss sweetish fish =(
Pointless texts
Having to unsubscribe to a billion useless emails / vendors
Listening to music instead of reading during transportation
Passed relationships coming back to haunt you
Family, Significant other, friendships…
People asking you to go the extra mile…. when they dont deserve it.
hang nails
im bleeding all over my keyboard typing this…I have a problem
Catching up with the pack
falling behind and having to work harder than everyone else in less time just to catch up.
Not enough mentors for young adults
Client not knowing what they want
Living in my own head
I just realized i spent 5 minutes talking with myself , complete gibberish and my coworker heard everything….
applying candidates to jobs they already applied for
air bubbles in new screen protector…
Cant do anything about it now