
Sometimes come across words that i want to know the meaning of right then and there.


possible app?


Can’t wrap my head around adulting, nor do i really want to.  How to create a balance?  Is it possible to have split personalities without causing damage in future growth?

Not taking things at face value

I cant stop overthinking the simplest of shit.  “Pass me the pencil”


-Do you really need it?

-Is it that important to you?

-What if i broke the point of this thing , would your life turn to shambles?

Addiction / Breaking habits ( Follow up for Vices)

Be it watching TV, being a gym rat, workaholic, or being a bum,  addiction is real and it comes in all forms.  Sometimes we need to break away from some of these things even though they are beneficial to us.

which habits do i keep working with, which addictions do i break, how long before working on these is it time to quit or do you just keep going?


Smoking, Drinking, Drugs, Fats, Sugars, Prostitutes, Murders, Education… The list goes on.

Everyone indulges in one of these, however which one is the right one for me?  I dont know which vice to pick.

Scheduling / Prioritizing

Need a way to schedule and prioritize things efficiently on an analytical scale, this way there is no second guessing the whole

Is taking an extra shift at work more important than hitting the gym or working on something besides finances.

False Advertising / Cat fishing

Don’t you hate it when something is advertised as FREE but when you arrive to acquire this product, its 10$ for a FREE trial, or the promotion goes “join this 3 year contract at 80$/M – the 10$ goes toward your subscription AND… THERE’S MORE…. You get a free trial after you sign up….
Same thing goes for being Cat fished into dates, business ideas, and products.

How do we limit or filter these things?

Limited Speach

Knowing I can be crucified and burned at the stakes for speaking my mind in my work place, certain social settings, and online.


Get fired

Ruin career

Looked at as a racist / extremist

Beaten – killed

Banishment from locations / groups / activities


Education (Follow up – College Fails You)

Knowing that college is a waste of space, you want to be more educated in certain aspects without having to sell your grandmother for a piece of paper that gives you that gratification that “you know this shit”.


Problem: I want to be more educated and be more well rounded in the things i know without having to go through school.

Studying is one thing but when do you know its time to break from the nest and start implementing this.  Sure some skills you can start implementing right away, however some skills need to be studied thoroughly before putting into practice.


I need to make more money. But unable to concoct the “magic” product/ idea to make me not have to work a single day again.


We have all have been there a point in time where we doing something nice for someone and there is absolutely no recognition for what is being done, weather passing something out of reach, holding a door ( especially train doors that are closing), picking something up, the list goes on.